Doctor Noize & The Band

The Doc's a Stanford-educated father, chart-topping musician, commissioned composer for stage and screen, author, award-winning teacher, speaker, studio owner and humorist. Doctor Noize ignites imaginations with vibrant songs, engaging workshops, and interactive performances, sparking joy for children and anyone who likes to have fun. Featuring strong male, female, and diverse characters with contrasting and collaborating perspectives, his work is for everyone.

Mission Statement: Doctor Noize inspires creativity, curiosity and character through music, art, and words.

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Vivian's Awards!

Cory Co-Produced Vivian Fang Liu's Album Of The Year, Best Music Video & Kindie Song Of The Decade at the Funky Kids Radio Awards.

Stanford Teaching

March’s Noizeletter is how the Doc built his Recording Arts teaching method in 26 years of teaching and a 169-page Master’s Thesis.

At The Grammys

Behind The Scenes At The Grammys discusses the music industry’s struggle between aspiration and implementation of inclusion.

A Song About What?

The best part of leading writing and recording music workshops around the country is you never know what kids will wanna write about.

The Greatest Gift

The holiday Noizeletter is about the greatest gift from a stranger Doc ever received for one of the greatest recordings he ever made.

  • Jeff Bogle

    As original as children’s entertainment gets…  The dialogue and interplay between the characters is charming and funny.  The story… also teaches listeners about the instruments.

  • Jeff Budd

    Thank you for your time and talent here in Sitka. All were totally happy with the show. Cheers.

  • Martin Tichy

    A superb composer, lyricist, producer, engineer, singer, musician, entrepreneur and I can only imagine what else you’re capable of. I’ve just listened to “Phineas McBoof Crashes the Symphony” again–what a brilliant masterpiece!!! Great songs, masterly arrangements, awesome production, and on top of it it’s witty, intelligent, multi-genre and educational AND still so much fun for kids! Can’t believe what you pulled off here, kudos to you!
